Thursday, August 25, 2005
invisible modeI haven't been able to take command over my own emotions and views well enough lately.In sooth I know not why I am so sad.
It wearies me, you say it wearies you.
But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,
What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born,
I am to learn.
And such a want-wit sadness makes of me
That I have much ado to know myself.
I have been submissive, extremely less-temperate and skeptical these past few days. Without a doubt, that's how I've become after weeks of inclusive assimilation of the insides of thick erudite reading materials. (we've been busy with school stuff lately) Things have been getting out of hand lately and some events have been going off-beam. Is it to be blamed upon me that I simply cannot achieve the highest emotional quotient amongst these fools of whose faces I've been accustomed into passing by on a daily basis? Just so you know, I am not even geared up yet with the enough potency to keep up with my own mood swings myself.For all I know, I have already become a lethal substance, ready to cause unforeseen trepidations. Start to fear me.Your mind is tossing on the ocean,
There where your argosies with portly sail.
Unsheathing all of my violent sentiments within with "highly offensive" terms or phrases such as "Putanginang buhay! Nakakaasar naman ang mga tao dito!" and "Taena! Ano ba naman itong mga nangyayari?" might not just do the trick. I have to come up with something more fruitful to cut my infuriation by a hundredfold ... something less detestable... something decent...But rest assured, it would absolutely not be finishing "The Merchant of Venice" in a sitting or two. Reading that effing book just entices my exasperations even more. Why would I, or anyone else in this sick sad little world, want to hear of insignificant dialogues and banters about a man who couldn't pay his debt on a due engagement? Of a man who was hooted at and made fun of just because he failed to put a few precise particulars on his law of contract? Of the woes and wearies of a striking and upright lady who couldn't even make a fine choice on who will be her spouse for she is forbidden to? Of a vindictive moneylender of whose daughter fled with her Jewish aficionado?NO ONE. In my world, at least.Listening to music of different genres might just mark the end of all these monkeyshines, though. Kjwan's and Bamboo's, to be exact. Kung gusto mo naman sa lintik na cueshe, patay kang bata ka. Sa ibaba ka mapupunta - down under where Satan and his minions party 24/7.What is music for you?
- Entertainment. Spritirual substance. Emotional therapy and catalyst at the same time. A drug that can fuck you up and equally capable of lifting you up somewhere higher. Universal language. God.
That's all about it. I am out of here.
"By my troth, my little body is aweary of this great world."
the generic generator @ 7:11 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
this day deserves a big fat ARGH.
to hell with those effing tests i've dealt with by means of insufficient time.
can i just get these things over and done with overnight? i'm sooooper worn out already. haven't they had enough?

finally, i've had a piece of you. *evil snicker* it's just
fate, baby.
the generic generator @ 5:49 PM