Wednesday, May 30, 2007
"The Emo Kid Song" a friend just sent totally wrecked my writing mode and I must say that one way or another, it sucked because I had a lot in mind, I had a lot to say and that song just completely mopped me off my then structured notions.
Like, stab my heart because I love you. GO TO HELL.
I guess I suppose too much. But those suppositions somehow keep me going.
Good heavens wherever could I purchase a generous heap of GOOD VIBES? Hindi ko naman yata kasi kasalanang ikaw pala ang gusto ko. What the force.
the generic generator @ 5:19 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Honey Lee-d
I kind of anticipated a lot of people to write about how Miss Japan snagged the Miss Universe 2007 crown with her pleasing sunny nature and - well - zeal for dancing but I guess I kind of had less than what I had expected. Almost everybody I know who ACTUALLY spent time keeping track of what was happening (yes, even Greg) over that live satellite feed were in fact going for Miss Korea.
MISS KOREA. I'd never thought I’d like a Korean this much but hey. What the f. (FORCE)
MISS KOREAAAAHH is the bomb. If ever given the chance to become a full-grown man (God knows how) I'd gladly and BOLDLY pursue through my hopes of being able to be hers. Without hesitations. Free of charge.
That just sounded a bit too gay for me to handle. I'm off.
And oh, I just passed by this youtube URL ( while looking for the genuine video for that Daft Punk song being played over at that page and by the gods.
Too gay to function. The song was pretty awesome, though.
rapao umali: im gonna watch na lang sa youtube about the question and answer!!rapao umali: favorite part ko yun eh!! WORLD PEACE! such another timeless classickim naranja: WORLD PEACE! surprisingly walang nag-WORLD PEACE doon!kim naranja: meron lang na... "i want to be miss universe because i am a happy person and i want to share it to the world..."rapao umali: its the darn magic word kaya!! WORLD PEACE! its like the abrakadabra of ms.universe noh!! ang loser naman nila!-----
dana torio: sabi pa nung reporter..dana torio: yung mga in demand daw na courses yung, IT, business management, nursing, at EDUCATIONdana torio: tapos yung in demand daw na industries yung engineering, tapos yung mga field ng computersdana torio: at pag hindi daw isa dun yung courses ng anak mo, para ka na din daw nagtatapon ng pera at nagsasayang ng oras...
the generic generator @ 7:05 PM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Little things such as
this upset me so. I'd have to work on this.
I will NOT assume things for
assuming makes an ass out of you and out of me.
You're just a real pain in the butt, are you not?
the generic generator @ 9:09 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Like the other inconspicuous days before yesterday that have unknowingly passed, I didn’t leave the house today. I was at Joyce's with Angge yesterday though and man, how I missed those two. We did some things we weren’t actually able to do months ago (like just plainly eating and discussing matters whether of great importance or otherwise) for reasons such as being busy and stuff, and the feeling of being able to do those again with them was actually pretty rejuvenating.
Yesterday also was the very first time I've actually seen Joyce whip up a nice, fresh chocolate cake complete with the sweet icing and all and man, she does bake like a pro. The cake was scrumptious enough to the eyes that I had this delusional feeling that I already had my tummy full of it for a while. Silly, silly thoughts.
The bonding over coke and chips was wonderful, I must say. I don’t think I'd be experiencing this kind of fun for a while... or at least until the fact that we’re all going to be coming to school one by one gradually sinks in. Hmmm. :D
Now that I am at home with nothing to do, I am again kind of getting that weird sober feeling. This situation I am in is pretty condescending and I must say that it is definitely getting...
I saw you and all the thoughts I have set to write down liquefied into some sort of a nonexistent void. I particularly am annoyed with this kind of feeling, and it sadly happens every time. Every effing time. How pathetic.
Kinakabog ako. This feels predominantly off. Pero masaya. :D
the generic generator @ 6:40 PM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I spend too much time cracking myself up in an attempt to write or even think about the matter well (such is you) but there's just something putting me off. Fear, perhaps. Or quite probably I am just forcing myself in denial.
Well hmmm. Okay. Fear it is. Fear of hurt, I presume. It's all the same. A fresh set of perspective's all I need and I somehow might know how to figure this out.
Who gives a damn, anyway? Yesterday was freaking awesome. And you, my friend, still get me amused. :)
Thank you, Ding and Chin. You both talking me through this loser-ness (wtf) or whatever you might want to call it was all I could have ever asked for. At least I now feel much better (yet surprisingly still wide awake at 12:24 in the morning). Yay!
the generic generator @ 11:56 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I found Juliana Campbell's weblog over the internet through UP's forums and was actually quite taken aback from what I just browsed over. This woman shouldn't have died just yet. Her wonderful, wonderful plans could've wrought this Philippines up better from the dump that it seemingly is. Her thoughts could have consolidated a million more into molding this country for its very own betterment. If only its people had a heart like hers who chose to brave the unknown for the sake of selfless service then by the gods, what a vivid depiction of harmony this place would be.
What I just don’t get is why people choose to lurk in the dark and still themselves oblivious to the mishaps transpiring within their proximity to the real world and, well, even to the real world itself. We cannot all be indifferent for long now, can we?
I'll be reading some more over Peyups. Kahit mukhang medyo sinasayad na yung mga prinsipyo ko sa buhay dito at talagang tadtad ito ng pulitika eh hmmmm. I must say I am somehow enjoying this.
And by the way. Screw you posers for acting all your worldly pain and depression out in your
cool adobe-edited pictures which never fail to give me the creeps. I am a firm believer of expressing ones' emotions through art but expressing it this way can NEVER be right. Goes to show that all you're thirsting for's attention. Stick real guns to your heads now, will you? Buwiset.
the generic generator @ 4:27 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Whoever thought of placing the backspace key within a very close proximity next to the enter key? Bleargh.
In any case, I may be able to summarize my happiness over with two bullets:
* Last Friday to Sunday's YFC youth camp still gets me feeling giddy all over. This is the very first one my YFC sisters in GX ever organized and the very first one that I ever attended to. Such are the reasons why it will continually have this special, special place in my heart, apart from the given fact that I was just given enough time to be closer to the One who saves. This must be the post-camp feeling, and I hope the fire never runs out. Thank you, Jesus. :)

* Apart from the covenant orientation we'd be having come this Saturday (my word! How fast things go) I still have quite a number of good things to look forward to. I'd be bonding with Ding and Noel in Ateneo and (most probably) UPD. FINALLY! A chance to unwind with two of the people whom I consider my ultimate favorites. Haha. And Gel's upcoming birthday this Monday's not to be missed out too. I hope there wouldn't be "hit and run" cases on this one this time. (Jamie Cullum, in your power, we commend our intentions.)
I guess that's just about it.
And oh, I'm beginning to be WAY TOO APPARENT with the things going on in my mind. And if you ever found out exactly what they are, believe me it'd frighten you much more than you'll ever expect it would.
I just flashed the monitor -- which was then at
your page -- one big toothy grin. And I have no idea what just got into me.
Every time I try to say how much you do make me happy, my words fail me. Terribly.
the generic generator @ 11:41 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
dumadalas ang minsan
I woke up pretty much at an earlier hour than usual today and, for some unknown reason, right away found myself producing a copy of my college class schedule on my laptop. I knew for a fact that yes, I am now very much pumped up to go attend the university, but breezing over one's class schedule for innumerable times given a span of four days' another thing. That one hell of a menace craftily obscured in a cheap bond paper is, sadly, now starting to wear on me. And gods, classes haven’t even started yet. Fackerrr.
Then I remember seeing
that and everything just seems to fall into place.
I have to admit that as for now, one of the chief grounds on why I am so ready to get these collegian stuff over and done with (WELL) is to finally get within a 7km radius to where you will be. To where I used to WANT to be. It isn't going to help me in any way but yes, it will indeed make me happier than usual. And besides, Ding's treating me to isaw for one whole f-ing year if ever I drag my butt to scholastic excellence well and make it. Haha.
Okay parang ang supot ng motivation ko :))
I am talking in codes. And I wouldn't be very much surprised if you ever get to crack it.
This still life with the truths that come along with it is appointed to only go so far. You have your own space, your own time, your own life, and so have I. I cannot go against the powers that be just to alter things up and shape them in harmony with my every single whim. It is wholly essential for me to just take things as they are, take things at a time, and simply just take in the fact that the way things now are can never have more. Not that I would want something MORE, but... You get the picture. Figure it out.
Then I remember seeing
that and somehow, there was something I felt... which is definitely not much.
the generic generator @ 2:44 PM